Towards Virtue
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Dua Aturan 5 Menit

Ada dua aturan lima menit yang aku kenal. Mulai 5 menit saja Ini adalah aturan untuk memulai sesuatu yang terus kita tunda-tunda, dengan bermacam alasan. Caranya adalah dengan berjanji pada dir...

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Rutinitas Pagi: Tips dan Trik

Dalam dua tahun terakhir, pagiku kurang lebih dimulai dari turun shalat subuh di masjid. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, kebanyakan hariku dimulai dari berkegiatan di kampus dan sekitarnya. Dalam lima...

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Aku, Dunia Self-Help, dan 4 Kesalahan

Memoriku memang cukup aneh. Terkadang aku bisa mengingat dengan sangat detil kejadian yang menurutku tidak terlalu bermakna. Ingatan itu muncul saja secara tiba-tiba. Termasuk buku bergenre self-he...

Need clarity of mind? Write!

Triggered by my friend‘s question months ago while coronavirus was still not a big deal (in our country), I opened my WordPress account again after ages. To be asked why didn’t I write in here agai...

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House of Knowledge, Virtue, and Wisdom

A try to find a meaning in the life around me, the house I’ve been living for almost two years. This is the last part of House of Knowledge, Virtue, and Wisdom series. See the previous posts bel...

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House of Wisdom

Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise, Oxford says. While knowledge is clarity of facts and truth, wisd...

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House of Virtue

Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash Oxford Dictionary defines virtue as behaviour showing high moral standards and virtuous as having and showing moral standards. This behaviour should be apparent in c...

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House of Knowledge

A try to find meaning in the basis of this place, the house I’ve been living for almost two years. Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash Everyone knows what knowledge is. Many dictionaries say knowledge...

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Absence of Mind

When you want to become a better person; when you start to take care of your well being; when your body lost its usual stimulation… And then you lost. You feel empty. You just want to come back to...

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The First Few Weeks in Asrama Salman

It was about a week before Ramadhan 1439 H I was told that I will become a part of Asrama Salman 18/19. The Salman Dormitory. I cannot react to that. All of the good part of being living alone an...